News 2010


EMS working for a gossip papers' press machine

Example of the application of EMS in a pressing industry mounted in Belgium.

Click on following links to see the videos:

Switch press papers EMS project Movement of paper rolls

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Foreground plant

On 26/10/2010 on the web site of a famous online newspaper you could read about a new car mounting plant in Maranello. You can have access following this link:…

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Wireless technology for Ems (Electronic Movement System)

Divisione Elco Srl since the end of November 2010 has a loop with induction under test with transmission of signals through wireless technology. Test was organized together with Rockwell Automation of Turin, that put on field PLC and I/O remoted with EThernet IP technology and Prosoft, known for advanced studies and building of wireless devices for industrial backgrounds.

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Also in 2010, Divisione Elco Srl is in the list of  Research Laboratories authorized by Industrial and Research Ministery. Since 1995 till nowadays the society has been keeping part of it. This appartenance let us point to technological transfers between different societies, with a quick positive effect for firms that use this service.


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Divisione Elco rientra nell'Albo dei Laboratori di Ricerca autorizzati dal Ministero dell'Industria e della Ricerca